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Welcome to where redpilled, K-selected people meet to create the life they want.

Get started by reading the post How to get the most out of SMV4K

Dying alone is no fun.

Dying alone is no fun.

Dying alone is no fun.

In fact, it’s one of the worst ways to end a miserable life.

Dying with amazing children around you who have endless love and appreciation for you, and a wife/husband that you deeply respect and admire...well dying isn’t that great either way. 

But it beats the alternative.

The time in between, however, can be really spectacular if you find another person that is committed to virtue and Western civilization. 

Imagine a cozy house, with children everywhere, playing games, having lively negotiations, with the uncensored brilliance of childhood.

Imagine your children growing up to dwarf your achievements, and your grandchildren living in the healthy and virtuous society we can only dream about.

Now, imagining is all well and good: the hard part is finding the person with whom to take that journey. 

it is no easy task.

But we know that by having the right people and right role models around, seemingly impossible tasks become attainable with consistent effort. is an exclusive, private community for K-selected individuals to find advice and support to help them raise their Sexual Market Value (SMV) and find their ideal spouse. Its also a place for mature and experienced married people to share with us their highly valued wisdom.

Get around the right people right now, for less than a cup of coffee per day. 

You’re going to die one day--will it be in loneliness or in love?

Advice for Women. Do Not Date r-selected Men! [Video]

Advice for Women. Do Not Date r-selected Men! [Video]

Men, take charge of your romantic relationships [Video]

Men, take charge of your romantic relationships [Video]