All in Activity

Raising Your SMV with the Help of Mentors

If you wish that you had a mentor, someone to help you become a better man or women than this post is for you.

No one exists in a vacuum. We live as part of a greater organism that we call society. We are shaped and molded by others, even at times against our will. By choose who influences us we gain positive power over our lives.

Those who we allow into our lives will change us, for better or for worse. They teach us things that we can not learn in books or with self study. We learn of other ways of being and acting. They look into us and see who we truly are.

Mastering Your Schedule With Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

We are what we do habitually. Our habits are largely the result of our schedule. If our schedule is chaotic or unplanned then we will live a life of chaos, lacking in direction. Therefore, to have an orderly life that takes us where we want to go we need to pay special attention to our schedule.

The good news is that building a schedule has never been easier. Most of us have a smartphone with built in calendar functions. If you still live in the stone age you can buy a paper appointment book for very little money. The key is to choose a simple solution that will travel with you.

In addition, your schedule needs to support your goals and help you to orientate your life. It needs to put important things first. I should encourage the development of good habits and patterns of living. This post will offer a path to developing such a schedule.

Setting Boundaries and Emotional Chastity (Exercise and Worksheet included)

If you ever wondered how to answer personal questions while on a date this post is for you.

Healthy, strong relationships are built on a foundation of truth. Lies, manipulation and distraction destroy trust and prevent the possibility of building a happy future. Yet, it's not prudent to promiscuously share details about yourself with strangers. How can you draw the line? What is an acceptable level of sharing for various stages of a relationship?

How to Talk To Women

If you want to get better at talking to women very quickly, then read this post.

If you want to develop a romantic relationship you need to get good at talking to women. But remember these points.

90 days to creating the energy you need to build the life you want [Activities]

If you are feeling too exhausted to pursue the life you want, this message is for you.

Self improvement, raising your SMV, dating, courtship all takes energy. Mental, emotional and physical energy. Unfortunately, most people seem to be exhausted all the time. 

Tens of millions of Americans are diagnosed with depression each year. Europeans also suffer from high rates of depression. Very often depression presents as exhaustion or is confused with it. Taking prescription drugs for depression when you actually have low physical energy due to lifestyle issues is not going to make your life better.

Raise Your SMV by Learning How to Negotiate Commitment in a Romantic Relationship [Activities]

Google “fear of commitment” and you will get more than 32 millions hits, many of them with titles like the ones above. Are so many people really that afraid of commitment?

Most people are not truly afraid of commitment, rather they are commitment illiterate. They don't understand what commitment means and how to negotiate mutually beneficial arrangements. The result is a fear and distrust of the unknown, rather than a fear of the commitment itself. 

How to become a more K-selected man

Would you like to marry a quality K-selected women who will love you loyally for the rest of your life? Would you like to raise strong, well adjusted K-selected children? Would you like to be surrounded by a tribe of friends and family that you can trust? Are you concerned about the decay of western civilization into an r-selected, chaotic mess?

Build Your Dating Pipeline [Activity]

Finding your ideal spouse doesn't just happen. It takes time, effort, resources, and an effective plan. Without specific goals, a carefully thought out plan, a sound strategy and regular reflection on your progress the tendency is to repeat the same painful mistakes over and over again. 

Going from existing as a single person, usually with no immediate dating prospects to being part of a loving, happily married couple may seem like a monumental task. Seeing the enormity of it all may discourage you from even starting. You are not alone. Millions of men and women are facing the same challenges.