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Make Women Great Again With Female Agency [video]

Make Women Great Again With Female Agency [video]

In the spring I will be speaking at the first ever 22Convention. This video explains why it's vital to attend and how you will benefit from my presentation on the subject of Female Agency.

This spring in Orlando Florida a history making event will occur.

Anthony Johnson and 21Studios will host the first ever 22Convention.

You might have heard of it, it's the one with the tagline “Make Women Great Again”.

Since I announced that I would be speaking at 22Convention I've received quite a few questions about the event and what exactly women who attend will get out of it. Women want to know “what value is in it for me” who is it being aimed at?

You can read the landing page for the event, the link in the description below this video. If you want to know more about what the actual speakers are going to be talking about, find them on Twitter and ask questions.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to invite the other speakers at 22Convention to join me for a quick discussion about the value that their speech will bring to the women attending.

Of course I can't tell you right now what the other speakers are going to say, but I can give you a teaser for my speech.

Here's a little teaser:

"Women today are being defrauded, bullied, tricked, shamed and pressured into following a narrative that has left millions unhappy and unfulfilled. In 60 minutes Noah Revoy will teach you how to protect yourself and become immune to manipulation from any source by developing your feminine Agency."

We live in a world that is run by narcissists and psychopaths.

These are nasty people that crave the dopamine hits they get from exercising power and control over others. They crave attention and are willing to sacrifice anyone or anything to get it.

Women are especially targeted for manipulation.

Women tend to have higher levels of the personality trait known as agreeableness, which can make them extremely susceptible to unconsciously following trends and suggestions.

Women also tend to be higher in neuroticism, (or negative emotions) which makes them susceptible to manipulation through techniques such as an amygdala hijack and makes it more difficult for them to benefit from the kind of direct criticism that men find so useful in strengthening themselves.

Women are also, on average less physically capable of protecting themselves from danger and especially while pregnant or nursing less capable of providing for themselves materially. This leaves women open to pressure to seek safety and security at almost any cost.

Lastly, many women are raised in homes with no positive male role model. This leaves them with no father to turn to for guidance and help in developing a protective, reciprocal relationship with a man. The absence of a strong masculine presence in a young woman's life often leaves her bitter against men, which can be used to manipulate her later in life.

Who is doing the manipulation?

Feminist would have you believe that men are the ones manipulating women however that viewpoint is actually part of the toolset used against women isolate them from protective men, making it easier to control them.

Very often the manipulation comes from women bullying other women. Unattractive or older women, jealous of younger womens youth and attractiveness will feed them horrible advice trying to keep them out of competition for attention or to justify their own bad choices.

If a woman tries to publicly speak out against the main manipulative narratives that women experience she will find herself facing an angry mob of feminists repeating the control phrases they have been brainwashed to use whenever someone goes against the official narrative:

“Did your shipment of male attention arrive yet sweetie?”
“What a pick me bitch.”
“That's just internalised/unconscious misogyny.”
“Gender traitor!”
“Men just see you as a baby factory.”
“You're just brainwashed.”
“But did you get picked sis?”
“You look ugly/fat/old.”
“You're such a prude, I bet you don't (insert sexual act).”
“You just hate yourself.”
“So you want to live like it’s Handmaiden’s Tale?”
“You’re brainwashed. You’ve become a slave to men.”
"Marriage and kids? So, you just want to be a Baby Maker??? Don't you have any goals for yourself?"

All this bullying is designed to keep women in line, pliable, easy to take advantage of.

Women in positions of power often use the fact that they are females to lull other women into a sense of trust and complacency. “Believe me, we are both women, I'm on your side, believe all women.” Add in a few meaningless catch phrases like “girl power” and “the future is feminine” and you have a recipe for controlling the female masses.

Some men use the “Sneaky F*ckers” Strategy”, pretending to be Nice Guys™ to get close to women with the intention of manipulating them into sex. 

The term “sneaky fuckers” was coined by evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith to describe subordinate males who take advantage of the opportunity to mate with females while dominant males are otherwise occupied, leading to their reproductive success (Smith, 1993) (

Men seeking to abdicate their responsibilities are thrilled by the prospect of financial and sexual equality between the sexes. They encourage women to have careers and sex without strings attached. They find that feminism lets them get everything and give nothing in return.

It's not just individuals that seek to manipulate women, certain groups seek to get control of women's attention, time, productivity, votes, and spending.

Governments promote putting more women in the workplace so as to increase the tax base, send more children to daycare and public school for indoctrination and drive demand for government services. They make promises of greater security and “free stuff” to capture votes from women.

Corporations profiting by increasing competition for existing jobs motivates them to promote ever greater numbers of women to enter the workforce. Additionally it creates new markets catering to working women and mothers who demand convenience products, anti-depression medication and distractions for their children, all to help alleviate the burden of adding full time employment to their already full schedules.

Women are subjected to trillions of dollars of manipulative propaganda, peer to peer bullying campaigns, and destructive social pressure. Meanwhile most of the protections that women had in the past have been removed. Many young women are living without the support of family, especially strong, masculine fathers, and without the guidance of the church community or religion.

It's little wonder then that modern western women are unhappy, unsatisfied, unhealthy, and unfulfilled. The state of femininity in 2020 is precarious at best.

So, what can be done about it?

  • What can YOU as a woman do to protect yourself from harmful, manipulation and propaganda?

  • How can you build a happy, satisfied, healthy and fulfilling life in the midst of a decaying culture?

Developing your Female Agency is the most important thing that you as a woman can do to improve your life.

What is Agency?

  1. Agency is the ability to identify and capitalize on risks and opportunities.

  2. Agency requires self knowledge, control of your emotions, thoughts and actions.

  3. Agency is the key to creating the life you REALLY want for the long term.

  4. Agency protects you from manipulation. 

My speech as 22Convention in 2020 will show you how YOU can develop YOUR Female Agency. I will show you how to protect yourself using Agency. I will give you specific, key information about habits and activities that you can apply right away to change your life.

In the breaks, before and after my speech I will be available for questions. Please feel free to approach me and ask me anything that you are curious about.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all at 22Convention in just a few months.

You can buy tickets here. Hurry before the price goes up.

Get tickets to see me speak:

21Convention, 2º Patriarch Edition:

22Convention, Make Women Great Again:

High Agency Network:

Grow Your Agency Course:

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