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“I Am The Master” - Using Affirmations To Change Your Life [testimonial]

“I Am The Master” - Using Affirmations To Change Your Life [testimonial]

Affirmations can change your life. In this post one of my Agency course alumni explains how he is using affirmations to become The Master of his life.

One of the primary tools that I use with my clients is carefully constructed affirmations. Done correctly, they can be powerful tools to reprogram your brain, change your thought patterns, improve your habits and drastically upgrade your life.

Most people who speak or write about affirmations don’t actually understand them or how they should be used. In my course entitled “Reprogram Your Life, 90 Days To Full Agency” we spend time to master the creation and use of effective affirmations.

One of my Agency course alumni, HG, wrote the following to explain how using affirmations as taught in my Agency course has changed his life.

I wrote this piece for the Fraternity of Excellency, I'm sending you a copy:

Why "I am the Master" is my personal mantra.

"The challenge: post a quote in this thread that  you would consider your mantra. It can either be a quote you come up with yourself, or one you love from another source. If it isn’t your quote, cite the source." - (this was a challenge for the FoE members)

HG: I said I would write an essay about it later - and now Noah Revoy is asking me for an explanation for Saturday, so it's a good time to write one. :-)

Hey HG, what's with identifying with a genocidal Doctor Who villain?  Are you sure it's a good choice? Should we be worried?

Good question.  Let's have some background.

Most of my life I've been a ball of anxiety, a high-IQ underachiever, always overthinking, hardly ever daring to *implement* anything, in mortal fear of failure.

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Meet professor Yana.  (Doctor Who, episode "Utopia")  An old man, living in the colony of the last remaining humans.

You see, it's the End of the Universe.  All the stars have gone out, all galaxies collapsed, pretty soon the heat death of the universe itself will spell certain doom to mankind.

There is hope though. "Come to Utopia!", a mysterious signal from far away.  Is it true? Can mankind be saved, or is it a cruel hoax or irony?  It doesn't matter, hope is better than certain extinction!

So Yana, a brilliant man, has built a mighty rocket ship, to save mankind and take them to Utopia.

But there's a problem: Yana can't make the rocket fly.

Tormented by his impotence, he does not dare to admit to others that he has failed, and all mankind is doomed.

Enter the Doctor.  A mysterious visitor from who knows where *he* can get the rocket ship to fly!  Mankind is saved!

But as they work with renewed hope, Yana hears the Doctor and his companions talk about strange but strangely familiar things:  "Tardis." "Time Lord." "Daleks." "Time War." "Regeneration."

Yana stands trembling, tears running from his eyes, those strange yet enchanting words echoing through his mind, over and over again.

"What's wrong?" one of the strangers asks the professor.

"There was... time travel in the old days!  Time travel!" the professor exclaims in awe.

But then he quickly lapses into self pity:  "I never believed... But what would I know?  Stupid old man. Always late, always lost... Even this thing never worked..." now the professor pulls out a pocket watch, and the background music changes: it's now dramatic and sinister, indicating that Shit Is About To Get Real.  The kind lady, who asked him what's wrong, runs away in terror of the watch.

Professor Yana even hears the pocket watch talk to him, in his own voice: " me you human fool, open the light and summon me and receive my majesty!"

That watch holds his True Self, the man he was create to be, is supposed to be. The man he thought he was all his life was an artificially constructed lie! Even though the people around him tell him he should not do it, he opens it and receives his True Self...

The Professor : Did you never think, all those years standing beside me, to ask about that watch? Never? Did you never once think not ever that you could set me free?

Chantho : Chan I'm sorry tho! Chan I'm so sorry...

The Professor : And you, with your chan and your tho driving me insane!

Chantho : Chan-Professor, please!

The Professor : THAT IS NOT MY NAME! "The Professor" was an invention. So perfect a disguise that I forgot who I am.

Chantho : Chan-Then who are you-tho?

The Master : I am... the Master!


So there you have it.  The Master represents to me my True Self, set free from the painful, limiting false beliefs, feelings and habits constructed around it, to choke it, by well meaning idiots - family, society, even myself.

  • I was taught to submit to women, my True Self is a Dominant.

  • I grew up anxious, my True Self laughs at anxiety.

  • I was raised to pathologically fear failure, my True Self dares to attempt.

  • As a child I hid somewhere alone to read when there was a party, my True Self is a raging extrovert.

  • I was made to seek approval in everything, my True Self gives zero fucks about what others think.

As my "pocket watch" keeps "opening" more and more, improving my mental state and therefore my life, I end my self-reflecting essay with another quote.  It's by a later incarnation of the Master:

"I have had a lot of fun!"

(His specific affirmations have been held back for privacy reasons.)

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