What is the The Pro-Feminine Movement? [Video]

For over 100 years feminism has attempted to redefine femininity away from its traditional role as a complement to masculinity. The results have been millions of confused men and women, as well as a general disrespect for true femininity and masculinity.

Instead of pushing women to be poor imitations of men, true femininity promotes complementary roles for men and women. In this podcast I discuss the The Pro-Feminine Movement with Coach Jennifer Cross of Fascinating Womanhood.

Fighting Anti-Masculinity Propaganda [Video]

Masculinity is under attack by those who fear it and those who are jealous about their lack of it. They dont really understand what masculinity is, but they know they dont like it.

Despite billions spent trying to emasculate men we are witnessing a resurgence of masculinity.

What can good men and women do to fight anti-masculine propaganda?

Raising Your SMV with the Help of Mentors

If you wish that you had a mentor, someone to help you become a better man or women than this post is for you.

No one exists in a vacuum. We live as part of a greater organism that we call society. We are shaped and molded by others, even at times against our will. By choose who influences us we gain positive power over our lives.

Those who we allow into our lives will change us, for better or for worse. They teach us things that we can not learn in books or with self study. We learn of other ways of being and acting. They look into us and see who we truly are.