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Male Agency Will Save The West [video]

Male Agency Will Save The West [video]

The western world is facing a crisis of Agency. Today I speak with James Fox Higgins about the part a renaissance of male Agency will have in making the west great again.

What is Agency and why do we need it?

The capacity for human beings to identify opportunities and make choices that are consistent, correspondent, existentially possible, and coherent with and within reality, and to act upon them, unimpeded by knowledge limitation (ignorance), intellectual limitation (intelligence), mindfulness limitation (impulse), physical limitations (body), instrumental limitations (technologies), resource limitations, the impediments of others and their organizations into norms, laws, institutions, polities, and armies. Perfect agency would require omniscience, omnipresence, and complete insulation from impulse.

(Definition thanks to Curt Doolittle - The Propertarian Institute)

Agency is the primary trait that separates humans from other animals. It's what makes us unique, able to direct our lives and our civilizations. It's what makes markets and science and philosophy and love possible. It's a really important topic!

You need agency to become fully human, to be free and to avoid being controlled by external forces or your own animal instincts. Agency can be developed and this course will show you how.

Read more about Agency:

Take a course to develop your Agency:

See more of James:

Parents, Teach Your Children Agency [video]

Parents, Teach Your Children Agency [video]

REPROGRAM YOUR LIFE 90 Days To Full Agency [Online Course]

REPROGRAM YOUR LIFE 90 Days To Full Agency [Online Course]