All tagged SMV

Raising Your SMV with the Help of Mentors

If you wish that you had a mentor, someone to help you become a better man or women than this post is for you.

No one exists in a vacuum. We live as part of a greater organism that we call society. We are shaped and molded by others, even at times against our will. By choose who influences us we gain positive power over our lives.

Those who we allow into our lives will change us, for better or for worse. They teach us things that we can not learn in books or with self study. We learn of other ways of being and acting. They look into us and see who we truly are.

What Happens to Your Sexual Market Value When You Live With a Chronic Illness and What Can You Do About it?

The basic idea of sexual market value is generally easy to comprehend but if you or a loved one has a chronic condition of some kind, there may be a hurdle in the way of acceptance.

Let’s take the example of an autoimmune condition that one develops in childhood. The person with this condition knows they did not do anything to bring this on themselves. They might be offended at the idea that their sexual market value has been lowered through no fault of their own.

Nevertheless, reality must be dealt with. In the case of an autoimmune condition, you have something that has a higher genetic susceptibility to be passed down to your offspring and no one would argue this is a positive thing. Also, you may have higher associated medical costs and perhaps drains on your energy, appearance, capabilities, and vibrancy. Your mood may be affected, too.

Raise your SMV by understanding neuroticism in relationships

If you experience anxiety about dating and marriage than this post is for you.

Even if you do not score high on the neuroticism scale this post will help you understand how to date someone who does.

Neuroticism is one of the Big Five higher-order personality traits in the study of psychology. People who score high on neuroticism are more likely than average to experience so called negative emotions such as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, depressed mood, and loneliness. They are generally change and risk averse.

Traditional women need romantic commitment and how they can negotiate it. [Video]

Traditional women need romantic commitment. Their peak SMV window, the time that they are capable of attracting the best quality mate is very small. The fear of wasting that time is very real.

In this video I speak with Rachel who is dating a man she likes very much. She feels conflicted about meeting new men while she is developing the first stages of a potentially permanent relationship. The internal conflict exists because her favorite sutor has not yet proposed an explicit commitment of exclusive dating.

This interview includes great tips for men to help them get the highest SMV women they can attain.

90 days to creating the energy you need to build the life you want [Activities]

If you are feeling too exhausted to pursue the life you want, this message is for you.

Self improvement, raising your SMV, dating, courtship all takes energy. Mental, emotional and physical energy. Unfortunately, most people seem to be exhausted all the time. 

Tens of millions of Americans are diagnosed with depression each year. Europeans also suffer from high rates of depression. Very often depression presents as exhaustion or is confused with it. Taking prescription drugs for depression when you actually have low physical energy due to lifestyle issues is not going to make your life better.

How to become a more assertive man [video]

We all know that nice guys finish last. On the other hand the assertive man gets the life he wants.
If you ever wished that you were more assertive or that you could channel your disagreeableness into a more productive direction than this message is for you.

A special note to women. This message is primarily directed at improving the behaviour of men however if you want to find and marry an assertive man you will need to know how to identify and attract one. This message can help you to do just that.

Why I was wrong about self control

Self control (or self discipline) is powerful. With enough of it we can accomplish almost anything. For most of my life I have believed that any one of us could have everything we ever wanted, if only we were to develop more self control and better habits. Individual power, liberty, freedom and happiness await the one who can master his impulses and motivate himself.

Raise your SMV by joining or forming a Western Traditionalism Club

White, western, Europeans have become atomized. We must reverse the trend or die.

When I was younger the city I grew up in had clubs for all of the specific white ethnicities that were present there. The German club and the Polish club were the largest. They got together regularly to speak their native languages and celebrate the best parts of their culture with food, songs and dances. It was exclusive and it was unabashedly pro-western culture. These type of events helped young people to mix within a pro-family environment where they could find compatible mates with similar marital expectations.

Raise Your SMV by Building a Better Reputation

Last weeks post was about the value of a good reputation and its effect on our sexual market value. This week we discuss some specific steps to building a better reputation.

We are not all equal. Some people are simply better than others. This is reflected in our different outcomes and reputations. A person with a great reputation will have a much easier time in life compared to the alternatives. It's time to stop the navel-gazing, put down the self help books and take actions.

Raise Your SMV by Learning How to Negotiate Commitment in a Romantic Relationship [Activities]

Google “fear of commitment” and you will get more than 32 millions hits, many of them with titles like the ones above. Are so many people really that afraid of commitment?

Most people are not truly afraid of commitment, rather they are commitment illiterate. They don't understand what commitment means and how to negotiate mutually beneficial arrangements. The result is a fear and distrust of the unknown, rather than a fear of the commitment itself.